Missing Pieces is dedicated to bringing abortion after-care into the 21st Century.

Abortion Grief for Individuals

Choice Processing and Resolution — Facing Grief After Abortion Without Fear

Because abortion grief is so common among women who are dealing with past traumas, Trudy wrote a self-help plan for working through only the grief issues surrounding an abortion or voluntary pregnancy termination (VPT) as she calls it. This self-help plan for processing grief after abortion is called C.P.R. ~ Choice Processing and Resolution. C.P.R.~ Choice Processing and Resolution By Trudy M. Johnson, PhD

C.P.R. ~ Choice Processing and Resolution helps women face grief after abortion without fear. This is a non-political presentation for help processing grief after abortion. It is available at Amazon.com  to order as a paperback book or you can download the Kindle e-book version. The International Spanish Version is Coming Soon here at Createspace.com

Click here for the CPR book review

You can also download a free “Lite” version of the book, C.P.R. ~ Choice Processing and Resolution.

Please feel free to contact Trudy if you have questions about this self-help book or unprocessed grief after abortion. Go to www.yourtango.com to read Trudy’s articles about Grief after Abortion. Trudy is the “Your Tango Expert” on grief after abortion.

Facing your “VPT” Grief without fear

If this graphic speaks to you, it is time to face your “VPT” grief without fear.

Take this Self-Evaluation to see if unprocessed grief surrounding your abortion is affecting your life today. It includes the “vpt grief indicator” to help you understand how your “VPT” might be affecting your life today. This is a self-evaluation that is very simple to take. It will not be re-traumatizing or cause undue harm.

You will not be alone as you work through your grief after voluntary pregnancy termination in the privacy of your home. Just know that I will be with you “in spirit.”  Contact me anytime with questions or comments. All rights to confidentiality are understood and respected.


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A message from Trudy:  “Today is the Day”

“Bravo! As a former abortion provider, I’ve long known about the need for grieving voluntary pregnancy termination (‘VPT‘), but you’ve taken the subject to a whole new level.”—Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom