Missing Pieces is dedicated to bringing abortion after-care into the 21st Century.

Abortion Grief Resources for Professionals

A Professional’s Treatment Plan to Implement Abortion Grief Therapy

Choice Processing and Resolution Therapy is a professional therapists guide to helping clients face grief after abortion without fear. This e-book is a compilation of years of experience working with women to help them resolve a past voluntary pregnancy termination.

The first part of the book explains in great detail why professional therapists should get involved in this issue. There is a clear message of how a “vpt” should be assessed for, why it should be considered and how it affects therapy outcomes. The second half of the book gives a concise treatment plan to walk clients through the grieving process of abortion.

Downloadable Forms (copyright laws in place):

The Choice Processing and Resolution Therapy e-book is available here at Amazon.com


CPR: Choice Processing and Resolution ~ Facing Grief After Abortion Without Fear

This is the companion workbook clients can use to help process their grief after voluntary pregnancy termination and is available here on Amazon.com. The International Spanish Version is Coming Soon here at Createspace.com

And here is a free download of “You are not alone” – a brochure to help clients better understand “vpt” grief

“Bravo! As a former abortion provider, I’ve long known about the need for grieving voluntary pregnancy termination (‘vpt‘), but you’ve taken the subject to a whole new level.” —Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

Go to www.yourtango.com to read Trudy’s articles about Grief after Abortion. Trudy is the “Your Tango Expert” on grief after abortion.