Choice Processing and Resolution
Imagine a non-judgemental, self-help book that walks you and your client through processing Grief After Abortion…
Well, here it is!
You can Order this Revolutionary book through in two formats;
- Click Here to purchase and receive the Paperback version
- Click Here to purchase and download the Kindle version
Additional Grief-Related Resources:
- Click Here to Take a self-test to see if unprocessed grief surrounding your abortion is affecting your life today.
- Please feel free to contact Trudy by using the Contact Form here if you have questions about this self-help book or unprocessed grief after abortion.
- Go to to read Trudy’s articles about Grief after Abortion. Trudy is the “Your Tango Expert” on grief after abortion.
“Bravo! As a former abortion provider, I’ve long known about the need for grieving voluntary pregnancy termination (‘vpt’), but you’ve taken the subject to a whole new level.”
— Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.
Author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
“The term disenfranchised grief has totally changed my life by giving me the key to unlocking the anger that I have carried all these years and that anger which was hiding the pain and grief I felt. Through Ms. Johnson’s book, CPR and a wonderful therapist beside me, I have been able to work through and dig deep into my soul to bear the pain and re-emerge from the darkness. I can’t thank her enough for writing the book to help people like me.”
— Anonymous client from Ireland
This is a non-political presentation for help processing grief after abortion.